How Counselling Improved my Marriage

Hello, my name is David and this is my new blog. I have been married for 25 years. My wife and I married when we were 18 years old so we had a lot of learning to do as we got older. Like any relationship, our marriage has had its ups and downs. However, last year, we had a real tough patch and I thought we might end up divorcing one another. Thankfully, this did not happen. The thing that saved our relationship was a recommendation by a friend that we sign up for counselling. The therapist helped my wife and I to truely understand the dynamics of our marriage and we have been much happier ever since.

3 Signs Your Teenage Child Is Depressed


The teenage years can be a very turbulent time. Not only is your child making the transition from child to adult and dealing with raging hormones, but they are also facing increased social pressure as they start high school. This can make it easy to brush off your teen's behaviour as just a phase they are going through. However, it is important to recognise that what you take for teenage angst could, in fact, be something much more serious, such as depression. Below is a guide to some signs that your teen may be depressed.

Chronic tiredness

Everyone knows that teens can be lazy. They will generally stay in bed if they can and will do everything in their power to avoid having to do chores. However, it is important that you understand the difference between laziness and tiredness. While teens are often lazy, they should not be showing signs of chronic tiredness. A teenage body will produce increased levels of testosterone, which should boost their energy levels. If you notice that your child is sleeping a lot or constantly has very low energy levels, this could be a sign that they are depressed. Physical tiredness can be a result of an emotional state.

Withdrawal from everyday life

While you may expect a teen to try to avoid a family dinner or a visit to grandma's house, you should be concerned if you notice your teen starting to withdraw from everyday life. You may notice that they no longer have any interest in their favourite sports team, hanging out with their friends or taking notice of the world around them. Depression can cause a person to withdraw into themselves, which often leads to the person becoming isolated. If you notice that your teen is spending a lot of time alone, this could be a sign that they are depressed.

Increased aggression

Teenage mood swings are normal, and disagreements can sometimes lead to arguments. However, if you notice that your teenage child is becoming angry at the smallest thing or displaying signs of increased aggression, such as smashing objects or threatening physical violence, this could be a sign that they are depressed. This misplaced rage is often a way that a depressed teen with try to express or deal with difficult feelings.

If you suspect that your teenager may be depressed, you should contact a counselling service today for further help and advice.


27 June 2017