How Counselling Improved my Marriage

Hello, my name is David and this is my new blog. I have been married for 25 years. My wife and I married when we were 18 years old so we had a lot of learning to do as we got older. Like any relationship, our marriage has had its ups and downs. However, last year, we had a real tough patch and I thought we might end up divorcing one another. Thankfully, this did not happen. The thing that saved our relationship was a recommendation by a friend that we sign up for counselling. The therapist helped my wife and I to truely understand the dynamics of our marriage and we have been much happier ever since.

Bridging the Gap: How Marriage Counselling Assists Couples with Diverse Communication Styles


Communication in a marriage is like the rudder of a ship; it steers the relationship through calm and stormy waters. However, when couples have different communication styles, misunderstandings can surface, leading to conflict. Thankfully, marriage counselling provides strategies to bridge this gap, fostering understanding and harmony.

Understanding Different Communication Styles

In every relationship, individuals bring their unique communication styles. Some people are direct, preferring straightforward talk, while others might be more reflective, taking time to process information before responding. Still, others might communicate predominantly through emotions or actions rather than words. If left unaddressed, these disparities can result in misinterpretations and conflicts. Proper management is crucial to mitigate every disagreement effectively.

The Role of Marriage Counselling

Marriage counselling serves as a neutral platform where couples can understand their unique communication styles. Through guided sessions, counsellors assist couples in recognising their individual communication patterns, helping them appreciate the differences rather than view them as obstacles.

Tools and Techniques for Bridging Communication Styles

Counsellors employ various tools and techniques to help couples bridge their communication gap. Active listening, for example, encourages partners to fully engage in what the other is saying, promoting mutual understanding. Non-verbal communication cues, including subtle nuances of body language and tone of voice, are also explored, helping couples decode messages beyond spoken words.

Furthermore, counsellors introduce strategies for conflict resolution. Couples learn how to express disagreements respectfully, ensuring that differing views don't escalate into severe conflicts.

The Impact of Improved Communication on Relationships

When couples learn to navigate their different communication styles, they often find their relationship strengthens. They gain a deeper understanding of each other, fostering empathy and patience. Disagreements become less about 'winning' and more about finding common ground, promoting a healthier, more respectful dynamic.

An area of a couple's life that may see the greatest improvement with refined communication is emotional intimacy. Through expressing difficult feelings calmly, couples can move past negative emotions and become more attuned to their partner's needs. This often leads to greater understanding, connection and trust within the relationship. 

Marriage counselling isn't merely a remedy for troubled relationships; it's a proactive tool that couples can use to enhance their communication skills. By understanding and accepting each other's communication styles, couples can bridge the gap between misunderstanding and clarity. The journey may require effort and patience, but the reward is a relationship characterised by mutual respect, understanding and love.

For more information on marriage counselling, contact a professional near you.


28 September 2023