How Counselling Improved my Marriage

Hello, my name is David and this is my new blog. I have been married for 25 years. My wife and I married when we were 18 years old so we had a lot of learning to do as we got older. Like any relationship, our marriage has had its ups and downs. However, last year, we had a real tough patch and I thought we might end up divorcing one another. Thankfully, this did not happen. The thing that saved our relationship was a recommendation by a friend that we sign up for counselling. The therapist helped my wife and I to truely understand the dynamics of our marriage and we have been much happier ever since.

Instances When You Need to Hire Counselling Services


Almost everyone goes through hard times, be it in their financial affairs, family relationships, social lives or careers. Unfortunately, it's hard to tell when you need professional help to cope up with such issues. What is even worse is that some people fail to accept that they actually need counselling. 

However, counselling services are crucial as they can help you unburden the stress and discomfort you feel. But when is it time to work with a counsellor? Here is when you need to hire counselling services.

You Are Extremely Emotional

You need counselling services when you are frequently quite emotional. For example, if something slight happens, you might overthink it and expect the worst, which can lead to panic attacks. If you can't stop yourself from going to this extreme, you need professional help. 

You Are Uncontrollably Sad

If you can't control your sadness or anger, you need counselling. These feelings can make you disconnect from friends and family in that you want to be alone all the time. You are also likely to get your eating and sleeping patterns affected, which means you may start developing health issues. 

Moreover, you always find yourself crying every time you think of a specific event. You can even find yourself feeling hopeless, which can lead to dangerous thoughts. It's essential to go for counselling to understand the root cause of the problem.

You Perform Poorly at Work/School

Mental health issues always affect concentration or memory, which means that your work or school performance will lower. You will lose interest in work processes or school programs, and thus you won't be intensely bothered by the low performance. If this is your case, you should consider counselling.

You Feel Stuck

Indeed, life is not a smooth journey, but it's not normal to feel stuck or rather trapped in a vicious cycle that stresses you. You may genuinely want to change the situation, but you can't seem to find a way out. Instead, every decision that you make is self-defeating, putting you in a state of constant depression and unhappiness. 

Counselling is an excellent way to change how you think and act. Also, it will help you understand why you keep making such choices, and in turn, teach you how to make sustainable choices. 

You Depend on Substances to Cope

If you always depend on drugs, alcohol, food, sex or pain medications to cope with life, it's time to get counselling. Addiction to these substances is a tough destination that you can avoid by getting help earlier. 

Counselling is the healthiest way to change how you think as well as change your unhealthy habits. You don't need to figure out everything in life by yourself, as counsellors are well-trained to help you. If you experience any of the signs discussed above, you need to hire a counsellor.   


25 November 2020